Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Mark 3:13-19

Click here for the Mark 3:13-19 PODCAST

13 Afterward Jesus went up on a mountain and called out the ones he wanted to go with him. And they came to him. 14 Then he appointed twelve of them and called them his apostles. They were to accompany him, and he would send them out to preach, 15 giving them authority to cast out demons. 16 These are the twelve he chose: Simon (whom he named Peter), 17 James and John (the sons of Zebedee, but Jesus nicknamed them “Sons of Thunder”), 18 Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James (son of Alphaeus), Thaddaeus, Simon (the zealot), 19 Judas Iscariot (who later betrayed him). ~ Mark 3:13-19

Today, we return to our study of the Lord Jesus through the gospel given to us by God through the pen of Mark. Mark’s most significant personal connection to the Lord Jesus was through one of the first to be called by the Lord Jesus to follow Him, Simon Peter, who was likely Mark’s source for the material in this gospel. 

As we read in Acts 12, Mark’s mother’s house was a regular stop for Peter, so much so that the workers in their house recognized Peter by voice alone. And, according to Mark 14, it appears that Mark was present at Gethsemane when the Lord Jesus was arrested and was taken off to be crucified by the Jewish religious leaders. Mark was that young man seen watching the proceedings from a safe distance.

Mark’s gospel portrays the Lord Jesus as constantly on the move. The forward motion in Mark’s writing keeps the knowledgeable reader’s mind continually looking ahead to the cross and to the resurrection. In this account, thirty-nine times Mark used the word "immediately," giving a sense that the Lord Jesus’ time on earth was short and that there was much to accomplish in His few years of ministry. 

In v.13 of today's passage we read, "Afterward Jesus went up on a mountain and called out the ones he wanted to go with him. And they came to him."

Perhaps, the most profound witness that we can provide for the Lord Jesus is the witness of our transformed lives which only He produces. We can not change ourselves. In actuality, we are dying to our old selves and we are now learning to say "yes" to our new selves, and, our new selves are, in actuality, the presence of the Lord Jesus in our lives. 

The Christian life is what some have described as "the exchanged life," which is taken from Isaiah 40:31 which reads, "Those who wait on have the ability to renew their strength." The literal translation of the Hebrew word for "renew" is "exchange." Literally it means, "Those who wait on the Lord will exchange their strength for His strength."

The transformation of the believer in Christ happens always from the inside out. It happens as we daily learn to allow Him to be the center of our lives, which enables us to choose to be defined by Him. When we choose to be defined by Him, we will obey Him. Notice that these twelve men were called to be with the Lord Jesus. This is the point of all of our spiritual disciplines: to be with Him. For the twelve, to be with Him meant that they would be influenced by His culture. When we have been with Him, His presence is heightened in our lives.

If we present Christianity as merely peddling an ideology, offering it to people as great moral teaching, we miss the point. The point is to have an encounter with God which alters our culture and we begin thinking and living according to His word. As a result, we will be effective witnesses when we are able to communicate with people what it is to have a personal relationship with God. And, the real nice thing about God, He values and uses our uniquenesses.

In v.14-15 of today's passage we read, "14 Then he appointed twelve of them and called them his apostles. They were to accompany him, and he would send them out to preach, 15 giving them authority to cast out demons."

Before the Lord Jesus sent the 12 out to preach as apostles, they are to be with Him as disciples. A disciple is a learner. Any disciple has to learn from the Lord Jesus before he can be His ambassador. So, like the first disciples, we must hone the craft of being with the Lord, watching and hearing Him with our hearts on a daily basis.  

In v.16-19 of today's passage we read, "16 These are the twelve he chose: Simon (whom he named Peter), 17 James and John (the sons of Zebedee, but Jesus nicknamed them “Sons of Thunder”), 18 Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James (son of Alphaeus), Thaddaeus, Simon (the zealot), 19 Judas Iscariot (who later betrayed him)."

This list of "the twelve" as they are called, appears four places in the New Testament: It appears in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and, in the book of Acts. Interestingly, this list appears not in the gospel according to John. When this list is given, it is presented in three groups of four men, and, Peter is always mentioned first. Judas Iscariot is always mentioned last because he betrayed the Lord Jesus, and James always appears before his twin brother, John.

Of the twelve, the Lord Jesus only gave another name to Simon, James and John. Simon Peter and James and John, the sons of thunder. This marked them as belonging to an inner circle with the Lord Jesus. And after this, when the Lord Jesus went to do something special He took with Him Peter, James & John. He dealt more intimately with these three. In doing so, He designated them leaders, the means by which the others would be reached. The Lord Jesus reached the few in order to reach the many. 

The first to be on the list is always Simon Peter whom we know to be impetuous. He didn't wait for things to happen; he liked to make things happen. Simon Peter struggled with patience. He didn't have a lot of it. Peter was the guy who got in trouble after he said, "You're the Christ, the Son of the living God." On the heels of that statement, the Lord Jesus told the disciples that He was going to Jerusalem to be killed. Peter vehemently objected, revealing his poor theology. Then, the Lord Jesus puts him in his place by saying to him, "Get behind me, Satan!"

Peter was the guy in the garden who took out his sword and cut off the ear of the servant of the high priest. And then, the Lord Jesus said to Peter, "Put your sword away, Peter. If you live by the sword, you'll die by the sword." Peter eventually denied knowing the Lord, but he was eventually restored by the Lord, and went on to be a great leader.

The key to it all is being defined by the Lord Jesus which does not happen over night. So, be patient with yourself and with others. It is a good practice to learn to follow the Lord. We do this by talking with Him and listening to Him with our hearts. In order to hear Him best, we must make sure our hearts are being modulated by being in His word. Our faith in Him is illustrated by the old tuning button that used to be on radios. As we modulate the button, our hearts will better hear Him. And, the modulation button is His word informing our faith in Him.

Monday, May 30, 2022

Mark 3:7-12

Click here for the Mark 3:7-12 PODCAST

7 Jesus went out to the lake with his disciples, and a large crowd followed him. They came from all over Galilee, Judea, 8 Jerusalem, Idumea, from east of the Jordan River, and even from as far north as Tyre and Sidon. The news about his miracles had spread far and wide, and vast numbers of people came to see him. 9 Jesus instructed his disciples to have a boat ready so the crowd would not crush him. 10 He had healed many people that day, so all the sick people eagerly pushed forward to touch him. 11 And whenever those possessed by evil spirits caught sight of him, the spirits would throw them to the ground in front of him shrieking, “You are the Son of God!” 12 But Jesus sternly commanded the spirits not to reveal who he was. ~ Mark 3:7-12

The four Gospels are designed to provide proof of the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ to a different group. All four Gospels tell us the Lord Jesus Christ is no mere man, prophet, or religious leader; they inform us, He is God. And, eternal life comes to those who believe the evidence of His deity. 

In v.7-8 of today's passage we read, "7 Jesus went out to the lake with his disciples, and a large crowd followed him. They came from all over Galilee, Judea, 8 Jerusalem, Idumea, from east of the Jordan River, and even from as far north as Tyre and Sidon. The news about his miracles had spread far and wide, and vast numbers of people came to see him."

There were there, that day, tens of thousands who came from all over the area. It was the miracles of the Lord Jesus that was attracting the people. In their eyes, He was a spectacle causing His popularity to rise. And, even though His following had a gradual rise, today's passage underscores the emptiness of popularity. 

As mentioned, the crowd that pursued the Lord Jesus that day was attracted to His miracles instead of His message. As a result, the Lord Jesus began de-emphasizing His miracles. More than the human body, He came to heal man's heart. 

The people wanted miraculous healings, but the Lord Jesus wanted to provide for them the teaching that would heal their souls. Popularity is always a danger to us because, most often, it distorts our message. Popularity will always tempt us to emphasize the secondary, causing us to miss the most important. 

In v.9-10 of today's passage we read, "9 Jesus instructed his disciples to have a boat ready so the crowd would not crush him. 10 He had healed many people that day, so all the sick people eagerly pushed forward to touch him."

The Lake of Galilee is thirteen miles long and about seven miles wide, and, the Lord Jesus used it to retreat from the large buldging crowds. This large group of people was in danger of crushing the Lord Jesus because He had healed many people that day, so all the sick people eagerly pushed forward to touch him. 

In v.11-12 of today's passage we read, "11 And whenever those possessed by evil spirits caught sight of him, the spirits would throw them to the ground in front of him shrieking, “You are the Son of God!” 12 But Jesus sternly commanded the spirits not to reveal who he was."

When demons saw the Lord Jesus they always identified Him as the "Son of God." Yet, the Lord Jesus rejected their testimony because they were out to mislead the people into following their agenda rather than God. Though what these demons said was true, it was nevertheless misleading. As a result, the Lord Jesus rejected their testimony. 

When we are yet to understand what a given moment or a given truth is about, we are tempted to make out that we understand. It is always out of this context that we are in danger of falling into the trap of image. And, it is then that we are in the danger of manufacturing what we think God has made it about. Inevitably, we make it about something that is lacking in substance. As this passage points out, real life is not about the temporal or the image that may be put forth. No, real life is about the eternal and the substantive, real life is about a personal relationship with God. When we make it about image we show we lack substance. 

As the Lord Jesus was going about healing the sick and teaching the misled, no one tried to dismiss Him as a fraud. He performed miracles daily, underscoring His undeniable testimony as the "Son of Man," and the evidence of His deity. 

The religion of the so-called leaders of Israel was in opposition to the Lord Jesus because their teachings led the people to hell. Behind all of the religious were the activities of the demonic. In fact, at that time demon possession was at an all-time high. If the teachings of the religious leaders had been of God this would not have been the case. 

We live in a time when the presence of demons has not been all that obvious, because, for some time, we have enjoyed the residue of the impact of the teaching of the word of God in this country. As we go further from the influence of the truth in and on our culture, we will see an uptick of the demonic in our world.

When the Lord Jesus came on the scene, the demonic world responded quickly to Him which underscores the authenticity of His person and His message. When the Lord Jesus walked this earth and demons saw Him, the one possessed by the demon would be thrown to the ground by the demon. The verb used to describe this action is used eight times in the New Testament, and every time it describes an inferior bowing to a superior. The demonic world knows the identity of the Lord, and, they respond accordingly. 

The religion of the Pharisees was a system that emphasized the distance between God and the sinner. Though God was at work in the nation, He was yet distant. When the Lord Jesus began His ministry, He confronted this distance that was created by our sin. The law kept us at a distance and frightened us with the wrath of God, whereas, the Lord Jesus came in order to make it possible for us to know the forgiveness of our sin and that we would know God as our Father.

Friday, May 27, 2022

Mark 3:1-6

1 Jesus went into the synagogue again and noticed a man with a deformed hand. 2 Since it was the Sabbath, Jesus’ enemies watched him closely. If he healed the man’s hand, they planned to accuse him of working on the Sabbath. 3 Jesus said to the man with the deformed hand, “Come and stand in front of everyone.” 4 Then he turned to his critics and asked, “Does the law permit good deeds on the Sabbath, or is it a day for doing evil? Is this a day to save life or to destroy it?” But they wouldn’t answer him. 5 He looked around at them angrily and was deeply saddened by their hard hearts. Then he said to the man, “Hold out your hand.” So the man held out his hand, and it was restored! 6 At once the Pharisees went away and met with the supporters of Herod to plot how to kill Jesus. ~ Mark 3:1-6

Today, we come to Mark 3:1-6 where the Lord Jesus healed the deformed hand of a man in a synagogue on the Sabbath. The Lord Jesus is widely considered to have performed at least 37 miracles during his three-year ministry, from turning water into wine at the beginning to the second miraculous catch of fish towards the end. He also healed people, lots of people, with approximately two-thirds of his recorded miracles involving healing, and that doesn’t include casting out evil spirits or raising three people from the dead.

In v.1-3 of today's text we read, "1 Jesus went into the synagogue again and noticed a man with a deformed hand. 2 Since it was the Sabbath, Jesus’ enemies watched him closely. If he healed the man’s hand, they planned to accuse him of working on the Sabbath. 3 Jesus said to the man with the deformed hand, “Come and stand in front of everyone."

The Lord Jesus deliberately called the man with the deformed hand to the center of the room. He did not want any of those assembled to miss the healing that He was about to perform.  The purpose of God's miracles is to position us to hear and see most clearly the good news of the prospect of forgiven sin which is what enables us to have a personal relationship with God. Yet, the religious leaders of Israel were hard-hearted. In fact, they were there that day in the synagogue waiting for an opportunity to discredit the Lord Jesus. They were looking for Him to do or say something that would enable them to nullify His effect on the people.

Hard-heartedness: I find it much easier to spot it in someone other than me. The Pharisees, much like most of the American modern day media, are in the mode of watching and hoping for the Lord Jesus to slip up. At the heart of all judgmental people is a hard heart. This heart given to judgement is mired in fear. The Pharisees feared losing their status, money and followers.

In v.4 of today's text we read, "Then he turned to his critics and asked, “Does the law permit good deeds on the Sabbath, or is it a day for doing evil? Is this a day to save life or to destroy it?” But they wouldn’t answer him."

Just then, the Lord Jesus asked His critics, the Pharisees, a question that they would not answer. The question was clearly a life or death question. When the religious leaders refused to answer His question, the Lord Jesus became angry for what a hard heart does to the human heart. A rigid, Pharisee-like approach to life imprisons us in our take on life. It leaves no room for mistakes, and it has a hard time receiving and giving grace. A hard heart doesn’t nurture self or others, it strangles the life out of all. 

Interestingly, there is nothing wrong with the Sabbath, as God gave it to man. But these men had added so many man-made rules to it that they had destroyed it. Their zeal to maintain it ruined its purpose. In a single moment, the Lord Jesus cut across all their pretense, and, their immediate reaction was to be so angry at the threat the Lord Jesus represented to their favored position in society that they immediately went out and joined their enemies, the supporters of Herod who was the villain in the Christmas story. Herod was a wicked king who saw the baby Jesus as a threat and wanted to murder him. The religious leaders sought help from the supporters of Herod, seeking their counsel on how they might kill Him. The Lord Jesus always drove evil right out into the open, where it was visible for all to see.

In v.5-6 of today's text we read, "5 He looked around at them angrily and was deeply saddened by their hard hearts. Then he said to the man, “Hold out your hand.” So the man held out his hand, and it was restored! 6 At once the Pharisees went away and met with the supporters of Herod to plot how to kill Jesus."

In Matthew's account of this story, the Lord Jesus asked the religious leaders, "Which of you, if you had an ox that fell into the ditch on the Sabbath wouldn't help it out?" You help out a stupid animal because you own it and it's your livelihood, it will bring you a profit, but you won't help out a human being made in the image of God?"

When the Lord Jesus told the man to stretch out his hand, I'm sure there were present there that day those who thought this command from the Lord Jesus was cruel. The Lord always gets us to the place in life when He gives an impossible command, but, whenever He gives a command like this, He always gives the power to accomplish the command. The Lord Jesus is always true to the truth.

The withered hand of that man that day was hardened, and, it was an analogy of the hardened hearts of the religious leaders. Much worse than the hardened hand of the man were the hardened hearts of the religious leaders. The withered hand of that obscure man that day in that synagogue served as an illustration for the hard-hearted. Any heart hardens when it is not receiving the love it needs to thrive. The Lord Jesus always uses His word in the process of revealing His heart to and for us. And, sometimes, He must reveal to us the hardened condition of our hearts before we can see and appreciate His heart of love for us. Our responsibility is to be soft enough for the Physician to do His work on us. Depending on our response to God's word, it will either harden us further or it will soften us. The choice is ours.

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Mark 2:23-28

23 One Sabbath day as Jesus was walking through some grainfields, his disciples began breaking off heads of grain to eat. 24 But the Pharisees said to Jesus, “Look, why are they breaking the law by harvesting grain on the Sabbath?”
25 Jesus said to them, “Haven’t you ever read in the Scriptures what David did when he and his companions were hungry? 26 He went into the house of God (during the days when Abiathar was high priest) and broke the law by eating the sacred loaves of bread that only the priests are allowed to eat. He also gave some to his companions.”
27 Then Jesus said to them, “The Sabbath was made to meet the needs of people, and not people to meet the requirements of the Sabbath. 28 So the Son of Man is Lord, even over the Sabbath!” ~ Mark 2:23-28

Today, we conclude our study of Mark 2. As we close out this chapter, we notice that it was the Sabbath, and, the Lord Jesus and His disciples were traveling on foot to another town. As with all of the gospel writers, Mark presents to us not only the events of the life of the Lord Jesus Christ but the reality of His identity. This is not merely a story of just any man, this is the story of the God-man who came to earth to introduce man to the truth.

In v.23-24 of today's passage we read, "One Sabbath day as Jesus was walking through some grainfields, his disciples began breaking off heads of grain to eat. 24 But the Pharisees said to Jesus, “Look, why are they breaking the law by harvesting grain on the Sabbath?"

On this day, after the disciples plucked grain in a field, the Pharisees accused them of breaking the Law. For many first-century Jews, the Sabbath was not simply a day of rest, it was connected with their national identity & their hopes. For the Pharisees, keeping the Sabbath was a sign of loyalty to God and to country, and picking grain constituted a violation of the Sabbath law.

For the Pharisees, the disciples had technically broken God's definition of the Sabbath. In plucking the grain with their hands, they were reaping; in rubbing the grain with their hands, they were threshing; in blowing the chaff away, they were winnowing. And all of those three things together constituted; they were preparing a meal, because, then they ate it afterwards. This is how insane it had become to keep the Sabbath in that day. The religious leaders had made it about something that God did not. 

In v.25-26 of today's passage we read, "25 Jesus said to them, “Haven’t you ever read in the Scriptures what David did when he and his companions were hungry? 26 He went into the house of God (during the days when Abiathar was high priest) and broke the law by eating the sacred loaves of bread that only the priests are allowed to eat. He also gave some to his companions."

Nine times in the Gospels it is recorded that Jesus said to his accusers, "Haven’t you ever read in the Scriptures?" The fact that it was mentioned that many times shows how important the Lord Jesus thought it was for these religious leaders to know what the Bible actually says.

Then, the Lord Jesus answered His accusers by reminding them of the story of David and his men eating bread in the temple which is recorded in 1 Samuel 21:1-6. David and his men were fleeing for their lives and they were very hungry. In desperation, they entered the tabernacle, took the showbread, which God Himself said was designated for the priests only. These twelve loaves of bread, served as a symbol for Israel, prepared fresh each week, were placed on the table in the tabernacle. After a week, only the priests, could eat it. But David, because of the hunger of his men, dared to go in and take those loaves of bread and pass them out among them.

This bread, as are many things in the Old Testament, was a picture of the Lord Jesus. In John 6:35, the Lord Jesus said, "I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty." And, God never reprimanded David for eating the sacred bread. 

In Mark 2:27-28 of today's passage we read, "27 Then Jesus said to them, “The Sabbath was made to meet the needs of people, and not people to meet the requirements of the Sabbath. 28 So the Son of Man is Lord, even over the Sabbath!"

The Sabbath was God’s gift to mankind. But, the Pharisees had hijacked it by making it a badge of national loyalty. In their view, man should serve the Sabbath. The Pharisees had dehumanized the Sabbath. However, we learn from the Lord Jesus, the Sabbath is a gift from God to mankind. We do well to observe the Sabbath, because it serves to give us a day to recuperate from our long week of work. 

The Sabbath is good for the soul, and, we must remember that it is possible to honor the letter of the Law while violating the spirit of it. If we start with the letter of the Law and not the spirit, we can always find a loophole in the letter that enables us to violate the spirit. It is possible to hijack biblical positions and practices by making them badges of loyalty, just as the Pharisees had done. 

In John 5:39-40 the Lord Jesus said, "You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; it is these that testify about Me; and you are unwilling to come to Me so that you may have life."

The Pharisees were so focused on observing the Sabbath, they didn’t recognize the Lord of the Sabbath when He showed up. Pride always crouches at the door of our hearts, ready to corrupt even the purest of intentions. And, when we open the door to pride to enter, we open it for God's grace to exit. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Mark 2:18-22

18 Once when John’s disciples and the Pharisees were fasting, some people came to Jesus and asked, “Why don’t your disciples fast like John’s disciples and the Pharisees do?” 19 Jesus replied, “Do wedding guests fast while celebrating with the groom? Of course not. They can’t fast while the groom is with them. 20 But someday the groom will be taken away from them, and then they will fast. 21 “Besides, who would patch old clothing with new cloth? For the new patch would shrink and rip away from the old cloth, leaving an even bigger tear than before. 22 “And no one puts new wine into old wineskins. For the wine would burst the wineskins, and the wine and the skins would both be lost. New wine calls for new wineskins.” ~ Mark 2:18-22

Today, we return to our study of Mark 2 where in v.18, the Lord Jesus was questioned why His disciples did not fast. Now, the purpose of biblical fasting is to gain deeper fellowship with God. Mind you, fellowship, not relationship. We can not do a thing to gain relationship with God. This is why the Lord Jesus came to die on the cross. When He died He paid the penalty for our sin. Even though we can not produce a relationship with God, we can contribute to our fellowship with Him. We can go deeper in our fellowship or daily walk with Him.

In today's passage, the Lord Jesus provides three illustrations that show why fasting for His disciples was inappropriate at that time. In this passage, the Lord Jesus taught that He came to this earth not to polish up the old system, but, to give something totally new. He came to this earth in order to grant the believer "new birth" wherein eternal life is realized within the believer.

In v.18-19 of today's passage we read, "18 Once when John’s disciples and the Pharisees were fasting, some people came to Jesus and asked, “Why don’t your disciples fast like John’s disciples and the Pharisees do?” 19 Jesus replied, “Do wedding guests fast while celebrating with the groom? Of course not. They can’t fast while the groom is with them."

In this passage, the Lord Jesus compared Himself to a bridegroom, and His friends or those who believe in Him, He likened to His wedding guests. And, we all know that a wedding is a time for celebration, not for mourning. The prophets Isaiah & Hosea predicted that the coming of the kingdom of God would be like a wedding in which God, the bridegroom, would marry His people. In the Lord Jesus, God was there to marry His people. If ever there was a time for joy, this was it.

In v.20 of today's passage we read, "But someday the groom will be taken away from them, and then they will fast."

There was coming a day when the Lord Jesus would hang on that accursed tree for six hours so that the willing of heart could be forgiven by the righteous arbiter of the truth, God Himself. While the Lord Jesus was with His disciples, they were to rejoice. But, when He would soon leave them, after His death, it would be necessary for them to fast which is to give up certain things so that we can see Him with our hearts more acutely. Learning to see Him with our hearts is the work of the Holy Spirit and we do not do that naturally.

In v.21-22 of today's passage we read, "21 “Besides, who would patch old clothing with new cloth? For the new patch would shrink and rip away from the old cloth, leaving an even bigger tear than before. 22 “And no one puts new wine into old wineskins. For the wine would burst the wineskins, and the wine and the skins would both be lost. New wine calls for new wineskins."

In these two verses we discover that a new piece of cloth, when it shrinks, causes an old garment to tear; and new wine causes old wine skins to burst. In each case the new forces a response that the old is unable to produce. For the disciples, to fast while the Lord was with them would be like sewing a new patch of cloth on an old garment or pouring new wine into old wine skins.

Religion is here illustrated by old garments and old wine skins. The old was analogous of those who resisted the free gift that God offered through His Son. The Lord Jesus wanted to stretch those who were trapped by their religion, but they had become too hardened of heart.

On the other hand, the new speaks of "eternal life" delivered into the believers life through the Holy Spirit. When we believe on the Lord Jesus to be our Savior, it is then that the Holy Spirit makes us alive to God. The beauty of eternal life is that only God can produce it in us. We can not manufacture it. The bridegroom gives us new clothes to wear for the wedding, and, He pours the new wine of his joy into our hearts.

The Lord Jesus has always been opposed to man's attempt to reach the eternal. Generally, we do this through being religious, thinking somehow we can impress God enough to make Him accept us. Very often man has been known to utilize fasting to try to earn God's favor but this is not the way it works. 

Like the religious leaders of Israel, we have been known to use the Bible as a self-improvement manual, but our self-improvements have never impressed God. And, if we use the Bible as if it were a manual on trying to impress God, then we will miss what it means to have a personal relationship with God. This is not God's idea of eternal life.

On the other hand, if we view the Bible as a means to knowing Him, then this analogy of the bridegroom and the bride will be relevant and pertinent to us. It is through this type of human relationship that we can understand the relationship with Him that the Lord Jesus died to give us. This relationship known as "eternal life" in the Bible is a magical experience with God wherein we on a daily basis we are given the ability to see His heart for us. It is pictured in that moment during a wedding when the groom sees his bride coming down the aisle. The purity and the joy involved in the union of the two is most powerful! This is what the Lord Jesus came to offer mankind, and sadly, the religious leaders of Israel did not get it.

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Mark 2:13-17

13 Then Jesus went out to the lakeshore again and taught the crowds that were coming to him. 14 As he walked along, he saw Levi son of Alphaeus sitting at his tax collector’s booth. “Follow me and be my disciple,” Jesus said to him. So Levi got up and followed him. 15 Later, Levi invited Jesus and his disciples to his home as dinner guests, along with many tax collectors and other disreputable sinners. (There were many people of this kind among Jesus’ followers.) 16 But when the teachers of religious law who were Pharisees saw him eating with tax collectors and other sinners, they asked his disciples, “Why does he eat with such scum?” 17 When Jesus heard this, he told them, “Healthy people don’t need a doctor—sick people do. I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners.” ~ Mark 2:13-17

Today's story is about spiritual healing which begins with the forgiveness of sin. The problem is we can not heal ourselves, only the Lord can do that. Levi, also known as Matthew, became the disciple who penned the gospel according to Matthew. Before he met the Lord Jesus, it did not appear that his life would turn out as it did. 

Matthew was a person with two names and two identities, until he met the Lord Jesus. He was a Jew who collected taxes on the behalf of Rome. Jewish tax collectors were despised by the Jews, because they were known for extorting tax money from their countrymen for their Roman enemies. To the Jews, especially the religious ones, tax collectors were the lowest of the low. 

In Matthew's gospel, Matthew quotes the Old Testament more than any of the other gospel writers. This tells us he was well-trained in the Old Testament scriptures. Matthew was probably of the tribe of Levi and he was dubbed to be a priest. But, he was so disgusted with the religion of his day, he was a rogue who did not want to be a "religious" person. He did not want to join the priesthood, so he became a tax collector. 

In v.13-14 of today's passage we read, "13 Then Jesus went out to the lakeshore again and taught the crowds that were coming to him. 14 As he walked along, he saw Levi son of Alphaeus sitting at his tax collector’s booth. “Follow me and be my disciple,” Jesus said to him. So Levi got up and followed him."
The last thing a Jew, in good standing, would say to a tax collector, is the first thing the Lord Jesus said to Levi: "Follow Me and be my disciple." By including Matthew on His team, the Lord Jesus risked bringing discredit to Himself in the eyes of the religious establishment. But, since when did the Lord Jesus allow anyone other than His heavenly Father to define Him.

In v.15 of today's passage we read, "Later, Levi invited Jesus and his disciples to his home as dinner guests, along with many tax collectors and other disreputable sinners. (There were many people of this kind among Jesus’ followers.)"

It all began when Levi invited the Lord Jesus to his house for a meal. Levi also invited his other tax collector friends. In that day & culture, sharing a meal with someone meant sharing life with them. One didn’t recline at a table with sinners and tax collectors; one reclined only with those who were the upstanding in the community. Above all, if you preached the kingdom of God, you didn’t recline at a table with tax collectors and sinners. To do so meant you were aligning yourself with the wrong people. 

The level of spiritual immaturity among those who consider themselves as the most "spiritual" is based on their commitment to follow certain rules. On the other hand, God is always consistent in His word to show that spirituality is a matter of the heart. He always accentuates the heart, especially in reference to those who are like Matthew. The religious are quick to accuse the man of God for spending time with the "socially unacceptable," all the while, they think themselves better than those they look down upon. 

In v.16 of today's passage we read, "But when the teachers of religious law who were Pharisees saw him eating with tax collectors and other sinners, they asked his disciples, “Why does he eat with such scum?

For the third time in Mark’s Gospel, the Lord Jesus enters a house. When the religious folk saw the Lord Jesus at Matthew's table, they were beside themselves. They reasoned the Lord Jesus to be a fraud because He spent time with such sinners. In fact, this was the issue that led to their rejection of the Lord Jesus in the end. For the One who claimed to be the most holy and righteous, to be most comfortable with sinners, in the religious mind, proved Him to be a fraud. 

This is the problem with the religious. They incorrectly believe that separation from sin renders them less sinful. They are always cautious to avail themselves to those whom they deem sinful. They lack the heart of our rescuer who led the Apostle to write, "While we were the enemies of God, blinded by our sin, Christ died for us." The wonder of the gospel is not that God gives salvation to the people who deserve it, but that He gives salvation to those who do not deserve it. This is the scandal of grace and it scandalizes every works righteousness system in existence. This is the difference between the true gospel and religion.

In v.17 of today's passage we read, "When Jesus heard this, he told them, “Healthy people don’t need a doctor—sick people do. I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners.

Tax collectors and sinners were prevented entry into the synagogue by those who thought their goodness earned or maintained their rightness with God. So, the Lord Jesus Christ came to be like the doctor who traveled to the people's homes. On this day, the doctor entered into Matthew's home. And, in the same way a patient gets cured, Matthew had to admit that he was sick and that something was wrong.

Here, in v.17, the Lord Jesus indicts the "spiritual leaders of Israel" of spiritual malpractice. They could diagnose the disease, but they could not deliver the proper prescription. This is why the Lord Jesus came, to offer those who are ready to admit they are messed up and in need of the cure.

You will remember when the Lord Jesus healed the leper, He restored him to community. When the Lord Jesus dines with tax collectors and sinners: he restores them to community, as well, if they are willing of heart. The Lord Jesus brings together sinners and disciples and seats them at the same table. In doing so, He gave a glimpse of heaven.

The Lord Jesus heals us by calling us into a deeper relationship with Him. In so doing, He extends to us His forgiveness, inviting us to be part of His community. He does not exclude so-called healthy people, whom he equates here with the righteous. Obviously, this was a slap at the "self-righteousness" of the religious. Biblically speaking, the righteous are not those who live perfectly but those who belong to God through their faith in Him. The Lord Jesus did not need to call those who already belonged to God.
 He came to call those who were sick and of need of spiritual healing.

Monday, May 23, 2022

Mark 2:6-12

6 Some of the teachers of the law were sitting there, thinking to themselves, 7 “Why does this man say things like that? He is speaking as if he were God. Only God can forgive sins.” 8 Jesus knew immediately what these teachers of the law were thinking. So he said to them, “Why are you thinking these things? 9 Which is easier: to tell this paralyzed man, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to tell him, ‘Stand up. Take your mat and walk’? 10 But I will prove to you that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins.” So Jesus said to the paralyzed man, 11 “I tell you, stand up, take your mat, and go home.” 12 Immediately the paralyzed man stood up, took his mat, and walked out while everyone was watching him. The people were amazed and praised God. They said, “We have never seen anything like this!” ~ Mark 2:6-12

Today, we return to our study of the gospel according to Mark. And, in today's passage, we return to the story of the paralyzed man whom the Lord Jesus did not initially heal. In fact, the Lord Jesus first addressed the source of all sickness which is sin. And, in order for this man to fully appreciate the physical healing the Lord Jesus was going to grant him, he needed to know first the healing of his soul. So, the Lord Jesus told him he was forgiven of his sins. 

In v.6-7 of today's passage we read, "6 Some of the teachers of the law were sitting there, thinking to themselves, 7 'Why does this man say things like that? He is speaking as if he were God. Only God can forgive sins.'"

Notice that these "men of God" saw the Lord Jesus as a mere man. This is why they asked this question, they had limited knowledge of the Lord Jesus' identity. Graciously, on the heels of this miracle, the Lord Jesus employs the description of "Son of Man" to identify Himself. 

We learn from Daniel 7:13-14, this description of "Son of Man" was a designation used for the coming Messiah. By using that title of Himself, the Lord Jesus clearly made a Messianic claim. And, as the Son of Man, He claimed authority to forgive sins. And only God can forgive sins. 

The "religious leaders" questioned the claim of the Lord Jesus. This is the problem of all who live on this earth and are not forgiven of their sin: They go to the wrong place with their questions. And, even though you and I are "born again," we have been known to take our questions to the wrong place. Most lack the humility to ask the One who made all because sin has instilled in all of us such arrogance that blinds us to His reality.

All through my life, I have stumbled among many questions, as I am sure you have, as well. At a young age, I was reluctant to take those questions to God because I lacked a personal relationship with Him. We do not trust what we do not know. 

As you probably know, I came to faith in the Lord Jesus just one month short of my eighteenth birthday through my dad's death. And, due to the fact that my mom died when I was five years of age, I knew I needed help. So, I cried out to God. Over time I learned God not only exists, He is involved in my life. And, I discovered that as I escorted the questions of life to Him, He answered. And, the more I did this, the more I got to know Him. I found myself, over many years, becoming more and more familiar with God, His way of thinking, and His culture. What kept me going all of these years has been God assuring me that I was on the right track. He let me know fairly shortly after I became a Christian that He had a plan for me and all I had to do was to respond to the revelation that He gave me.

In v.8-9 of today's passage we read, "8 Jesus knew immediately what these teachers of the law were thinking. So he said to them, “Why are you thinking these things? 9 Which is easier: to tell this paralyzed man, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to tell him, ‘Stand up. Take your mat and walk’?"

We live in a world that doesn’t attribute its problems to sin. Denial, however, doesn’t make sin go away. Many who deny the existence of sin think the problem is ignorance and the answer is education. They reason that if everyone were educated, the world’s problems would go away. But, some of the smartest people commit the most heinous crimes.

Some of us deal with sin with self-condemning thoughts. Nothing cripples like shame and guilt. We don’t trust the Lord Jesus to deal with our sins; therefore, we punish ourselves. All we succeed in doing this, however, is feeling bad about ourselves. There is a good aspect to guilt, though. Guilt is the nerve ending of the soul. It can serve to drive us to the Lord.

Some of us prefer self-help. We recognize some inadequacy in ourselves and resolve to do better. Or we are over inflated in our abilities and we discover, at some point, we do not know everything. Or, we brilliantly get to the place where we go to God with our questions. 

It is only the Lord Jesus who can effectively address our real problems. The forgiveness that He offers works its way into our hearts to liberate us in the deepest parts of our being. Only the Lord Jesus can offer God’s forgiveness. Just as He exposed the flawed reasoning of these religious leaders, the Lord Jesus also challenges our faulty methods of dealing with sin. He shows us, through His Holy Spirit and His Word, the ineffectiveness of our solutions.

Oftentimes, God allows sin to do its life-wrecking work in us so that we might turn to Him. The real problem is that we’re sinners, and the real solution is His forgiveness. 

In v.10-11 of today's passage we read, "10 But I will prove to you that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins.” So Jesus said to the paralyzed man, 11 “I tell you, stand up, take your mat, and go home."

After addressing the religious leaders, the Lord Jesus resumes giving his full attention to the paralyzed man. In v.11, He commands him to get up and go home so that the religious leaders and everyone else can see that he has been healed. The man’s healing served as confirmation for all who could see that his sins had been forgiven.

In v.12 of today's passage we read, "Immediately the paralyzed man stood up, took his mat, and walked out while everyone was watching him. The people were amazed and praised God. They said, “We have never seen anything like this!"

This paralyzed man pictures all of us. We were all dead in our sins, paralyzed by our sinful condition. Guilt, manifesting itself in the feeling that we’re not good enough, paralyzes us. It makes us think, “Why even try?” But we who believe in Christ have died with Him and have been raised to a new life through Him. 

The Lord Jesus, through forgiveness and the gift of the Spirit, enables us to know the restorative love of God. The Lord Jesus said God would raise him from the dead. Those who doubt whether forgiveness of sins comes through Jesus Christ might investigate, with an open mind and heart, whether he rose from the dead. The resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ IS THE SURE SIGN that the Lord Jesus has dealt effectively with sin, and those who believe in him are the children of God.

Friday, May 20, 2022

Mark 2:1-5

1 A few days later, when Jesus came back to Capernaum, the news spread that he was at home. 2 Many people gathered together so that there was no room in the house, not even outside the door. And Jesus was teaching them God’s message. 3 Four people came, carrying a paralyzed man. 4 Since they could not get to Jesus because of the crowd, they dug a hole in the roof right above where he was speaking. When they got through, they lowered the mat with the paralyzed man on it. 5 When Jesus saw the faith of these people, he said to the paralyzed man, “Young man, your sins are forgiven.” ~ Mark 2:1-5

Previously, the Lord Jesus left Capernaum because His popularity was on the rise and so many wanted to get to Him. In fact, He had to withdraw to a lonely place. In addition, the people were too enamored with His miracles that they were in danger of missing His message. When the gospel becomes the servant of the miraculous or the entertaining, we must follow the example of the Lord and reevaluate.

In v.1-2 of today's passage we read, "1 A few days later, when Jesus came back to Capernaum, the news spread that he was at home. 2 Many people gathered together so that there was no room in the house, not even outside the door. And Jesus was teaching them God’s message."

As a result of the hustle and the bustle of the crowd, the Lord Jesus chose to spend a few days in a lonely place. No doubt, as before, He spent a lot of time in conversation with His Father. When He returned to Capernaum, the Lord Jesus stayed as He had before with Simon Peter and his family. It didn't take too much time for the people to discover He was back in town. It was at Simon Peter's home that many gathered to hear the message of God from the Lord Jesus. 

The greatest need for mankind is to be taught the truth which is God's definition of all things. It is this truth that sets us free from the false path we have been led down by none other than Lucifer himself. Oh, he has his minions that help him carry out this task, but we must not make any mistake about it, he is behind every bit of false teaching there is among men. When we allow the false to define us in any given moment, we are empowering him to have influence in and through our lives.

In v.3-4 in today's passage we read, "3 Four people came, carrying a paralyzed man. 4 Since they could not get to Jesus because of the crowd, they dug a hole in the roof right above where he was speaking. When they got through, they lowered the mat with the paralyzed man on it."

Four men came carrying a helpless friend. Here, we are introduced once again to desperation which always involves a sense of hopelessness and despair. We have all heard it said, "Desperate people do desperate things." It is the design of desperation to get us to the place to help us see that we need God. We are in the most dangerous place when we are most comfortable in this world and we are convinced that we do not need God. In His word, God likens us to sheep for a reason because sheep are not all that bright and they wander from the fold. Typically, it takes a calamity to get our attention. We then get back on course until the next distraction comes along.  

On that day describe here in today's text, four men tore a hole in the roof of Peter's home in order to lower a paralyzed friend down to the Lord Jesus. This is a great picture of what life is really about: Getting people to the Lord. This paralyzed man was not in the plans for this meeting. But these men had a burning desire to get him to the Lord Jesus. The faith of these men born by their response to the message of the gospel is the centerpiece of this story.

Now, houses in that day were constructed with flat roofs, and, a set of stairs on the side of the house allowing access to the roof. These roofs were usually made by laying timbers across the top of the house, and then, covered by a layer of branches. The branches were covered by a layer of clay tiles, and finally, a thick layer of mud was placed on the very top. All of that was torn out in order for these men to get their helpless friend to the Lord Jesus.

In v.5 of today's passage we read, "When Jesus saw the faith of these people, he said to the paralyzed man, “Young man, your sins are forgiven."

Instead of rebuking these men for tearing open the roof of the house and interrupting His sermon, the Lord Jesus brings attention to their faith. There is nothing more important to the Lord Jesus than the development of our faith in Him. You see, it is not the quality of our faith that impresses God, the only thing that impresses Him is the object of our faith.

Most consider it odd that the Lord Jesus didn't address the man's paralysis first. But, that day He went deeper. You see, deeper than our physical needs are our spiritual needs. This man had to be made right with the Lord in order to really appreciate the physical healing that eventually came. It would have been a tragedy had he been healed physically and remained in his sin. The Lord didn't address this man's paralysis first, He addressed the root of his paralysis. He addressed his eternal problem of sin. 

Here, the Lord Jesus took on another disease, the disease of sin, our deepest problem. Sin has alienated us from our Creator, and, in doing so, it has separated us from life itself. Our greatest need is to be positioned to have a personal relationship with our Creator. He is the only one who can set us free from the clutches of sin. He does this by forgiving us. And only He can do this, for we have violated His truth. We are all prodigals who have run away from home. The message declared that day to the paralyzed man is pertinent to us: "Your sins are forgiven." 

The events of that day all tell us the Lord Jesus is God for only God can forgive sin. And, in the final analysis, the only correct response for all of us who have been paralyzed by sin was demonstrated by those four men that day at Peter's house. They were eager to do whatever it took to get their friend to God.

Desperation frames up our real need in life for a deeper personal relationship with our Maker. Our desperate need for God stems from the fact that we already have a relationship with Him, and we must have more of Him. Every problem in our lives  is an opportunity for God to prove His unique power to and through our yielded lives. 

Every day, when we encounter the various trials that come our way, brilliantly disguised as insurmountable problems, we have the choice of who will define us. All of these moments provide to us the opportunity to glorify Him. This only happens in the lives of those who are desperate enough to depend upon Him solely.

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Mark 1:40-45

40 A man with a skin disease came to Jesus. He fell to his knees and begged Jesus, “You can heal me if you will.” 41 Jesus felt sorry for the man, so he reached out his hand and touched him and said, “I will. Be healed!” 42 Immediately the disease left the man, and he was healed.
43 Jesus told the man to go away at once, but he warned him strongly, 44 “Don’t tell anyone about this. But go and show yourself to the priest. And offer the gift Moses commanded for people who are made well. This will show the people what I have done.” 45 The man left there, but he began to tell everyone that Jesus had healed him, and so he spread the news about Jesus. As a result, Jesus could not enter a town if people saw him. He stayed in places where nobody lived, but people came to him from everywhere. ~ Mark 1:40-45

Today's story is about a man with a very contagious skin disease. Those who had this disease were called "the walking dead." Once this man was diagnosed to having had this disease, he was separated from community, and, when he was within 50 paces from anyone, he was required to loudly yell out to all around him "unclean, unclean" to keep them safe from him. According to Leviticus 13 the Lepers were kept outside the camp, and they were very lonely people.

In v.40 of today's passage we read, "A man with a skin disease came to Jesus. He fell to his knees and begged Jesus, 'You can heal me if you will.'"

This leprous man was so beaten down by this dreaded disease that he begged the Lord Jesus to heal him. This man with this highly unwanted disease was ushered to the best place in all of existence, the place of humility and reality. His pain and isolation had led him to the place of desperation which enabled him to entertain the right questions and to take those questions to the most important man to ever walk this earth. It was out of that posture he was enabled to believe the Lord Jesus could heal him & to make him whole. 

According to Luke 5:12, this man was full of leprosy. He did not have a mild case of leprosy for he had had it for many years. His isolated experience had separated him from others, and, it had done a work in his heart that perhaps nothing else could. This man right now enjoys a blissful eternity due to contracting this most dreaded disease. This was a case of the blessing of God arriving in a man's life who thought the blessing was a curse.

Like this man, we all want to belong. True belonging only happens when we ask the right questions and we embrace our authentic, imperfect selves. Belonging is the essence of life. Everything else rests on it. Every other gift celebrates it, in its own way. We belong to God. And, until we see that, we will never know our place in this world or the one to come.

This leprous man came to the Lord Jesus and said, "If you are willing, you can make me clean." In response, the Lord Jesus did not tell him to claim his healing or to speak his healing into existence. This idea is nowhere found in the Scriptures. Many do not like it but there are times when it is in the will of God for us to get sick. Given the fallen nature of this world and of humanity, there are times when God's will for us is to pass through physical affliction. This is so we would entertain the right questions and turn to Him for the answers.

The Apostle Paul asked the Lord three times for the removal of a physical "thorn in the flesh." God's response was, "My grace is sufficient for you." Paul understood that God wanted him to put up with it, learn how to handle it by the grace of God. So, it is clear that it is not the teaching of Scripture that everybody must be healed.

In v.41-42 of today's passage we read, "Jesus felt sorry for the man, so he reached out his hand and touched him and said, 'I will. Be healed! 42 Immediately the disease left the man, and he was healed.'"

The Lord Jesus was moved with compassion for this highly diseased man, and so, He touched him. In that touch, the Lord Jesus gave that man the greatest amount of value ever. In addition, He granted the man the greatest amount of belonging, as well. The Lord Jesus has always been known to touch the untouchable. He has always had a heart for the unlovable.

The Lord Jesus was also moved with compassion to speak with this man, pronouncing to him the greatest words he had to that point ever heard, "Be healed." H
ere was a man who had not experienced a human touch in who knows how long. If he was married, he hadn't felt the embrace of his wife, or his children for a long, long time. 

In v.43-44 of today's passage we read, "43 Jesus told the man to go away at once, but he warned him strongly, 44 "Don’t tell anyone about this. But go and show yourself to the priest. And offer the gift Moses commanded for people who are made well. This will show the people what I have done.'"

In the same way the demon left the man in the synagogue of Capernaum and just as the fever left Simon Peter’s mother-in-law, the leprosy left this man. Having cleansed the leprous man, the Lord Jesus commands him to keep quiet about his healing. Then, the Lord Jesus tells him to go to the priest and show himself to him so that he would pronounce him clean. This was mandatory in order for him to rejoin the community. In the end, testimony concerning the healing of a leper would be evidence that the kingdom of God had arrived for no one in Israel had been cured of leprosy since the days of Naaman the Syrian. Compassionately, those who had resisted the Lord Jesus the most were given firsthand evidence of the Lord Jesus' deity.

In v.45 of today's passage we read, "The man left there, but he began to tell everyone that Jesus had healed him, and so he spread the news about Jesus. As a result, Jesus could not enter a town if people saw him. He stayed in places where nobody lived, but people came to him from everywhere."

That day, the Lord Jesus, like any leper, stayed in places where nobody lived, while the leper enjoyed being reunited with all whom he loved and who loved him. This is the gospel! The sinner becomes like the Lord Jesus while the Lord Jesus becomes like the sinner.

Christianity is a relationship. It is not about us arriving at some idealistic state of perfection. Christianity is about a person who accepts us in our messed up condition. That is where we find Him, in our messedupness where we give up on trying to run our lives for ourselves. And, we are discovering that this new found relationship with God is about God embracing us in our messed up condition.

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Mark 1:35-39

35 Early the next morning, while it was still dark, Jesus woke and left the house. He went to a lonely place, where he prayed. 36 Simon and his friends went to look for Jesus. 37 When they found him, they said, “Everyone is looking for you!” 38 Jesus answered, “We should go to other towns around here so I can preach there too. That is the reason I came.” 39 So he went everywhere in Galilee, preaching in the synagogues and forcing out demons. ~ Mark 1:35-39

The four gospels provide four different portraits of the Lord Jesus Christ, each a little bit different than the others. When Christ came, there were four major divisions in the human family. These divisions were not strictly racial or national, although they basically followed that pattern. Rather, they were cultural thought patterns. In this gospel, Mark provides a picture of the Jesus Christ as the ultimate servant who is yet the eternal Master of all. 

We are informed in Luke 12:35–37, at the end of time, when the the Lord Jesus returns at the end of the Tribulation, for those who believe, He will return as the master servant. In fact, we are told that in eternity the Lord Jesus will serve us. This will be so due to the fact that the very heart of His glory is the fullness of His grace that overflows in kindness to needy and willing people. 

In Ephesians 2:6-7 we read, "6 And he raised us up with Christ and gave us a seat with him in the heavens. He did this for those in Christ Jesus 7 so that for all future time he could show the very great riches of his grace by being kind to us in Christ Jesus."

In the Bible there are 265 different names for the Lord Jesus Christ. This is so due to the fact that no single name can capture His total identity. So, He is the God-man, not just a good man, the God-man. And here, He is, the One who is a servant who actively looks for ways to minister to His people in need.

hree times in the gospel of Mark, the Lord Jesus is described to be praying. Each time Mark describes Him praying, it is at night, it is in a solitary place, and it's somehow related to some form of opposition. All three of those things we find every time Mark describes the Lord Jesus praying. 

In v.35 of today's passage we read, "Early the next morning, while it was still dark, Jesus woke and left the house. He went to a lonely place, where he prayed."

It was somewhere between 3:00 am and 6:00 am. The Lord Jesus separated Himself to a lonely place in order to pray. Loneliness is not a word that we embrace. It was in the lonely places where the Lord Jesus sought intimacy with His Father instead of the empathy of others. And, it is in our lonely places, God invites us to do the same. We may want someone to step into our struggles and feel our pain, but God invites us to step into His presence and experience His peace. We may look for comfort from the friends around us, but God offers consolation through His Spirit within us. We may long for someone to listen and understand, but God invites us to be heard and known.

It’s not easy to trust God in our disappointments or sit with Him in our struggles. But as I follow my Savior’s example, I’m learning that what looks like a lonely place in our eyes is often just a sacred space in disguise. And when we seek Him in those places where no one else can go, we find Him waiting with the wisdom and the hope that no one else can offer.

It is most instructive to know that Mark delivered his gospel in a hurry. Indeed his favorite expression is "immediately" which is used 39 times in this account. Mark was so excited to tell us about the life, death, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus, he did not include the story of the Lord Jesus’ birth. Mark wrote his account much faster than the others.

The Lord Jesus prayed because fellowship with His Father was His priority. Prayer is a must for humility. The power of His actions was the product of His prayer life. And, due to the fact the Lord Jesus was subject to the will of the Father and the power of the Spirit, He constantly went before the Father to seek His will and to invite the power of the Spirit of God to bring glory to the Father through His yielded life. Critical to His ministry was His dependence upon His Father. And, loneliness served His prayer life well.

In v.36-37 we read, "36 Simon and his friends went to look for Jesus. 37 When they found him, they said, “Everyone is looking for you!"

As a result, Simon Peter and some others went to look for the Lord Jesus to inform Him that folks back in town were asking for Him. Unlike most, the Lord Jesus didn’t need popularity to uphold His identity. His identity didn’t depend on public approval. His definition came from the Father. And, this is why He is the servant. He is whole, and His completeness enables Him to not be defined by the lesser. 

According to Luke's account of this, "They tried to keep Jesus from leaving Capernaum." God establishes his rest in the hearts of the willing. This rest is a common subject throughout scripture. Notice that the Lord Jesus is not drawn into a lesser mission that emphasizes healing and exorcisms. Like the Lord Jesus, our goal must not be a ministry of popularity, our goal is to follow Him. As we follow Him, He leads us to be holy, complete, lacking nothing. It is out of this posture that we experience real freedom. Real freedom is when we are no longer found in bondage to anything in this fallen world. To be defined by such renders insecurity and immaturity, not the wholeness He died to give us. 

Like the Lord Jesus, people have expectations of us. Therefore, we need to get away to some place in our lives where we can listen to the Him. Some people, like Simon Peter, may be disappointed if we disengage. If, however, we are going to say “no” to popular opinion and “yes” to the Lord Jesus, we must invest in our relationship with Him.

In v.38-39 we read, "38 Jesus answered, 'We should go to other towns around here so I can preach there too. That is the reason I came.' 39 So he went everywhere in Galilee, preaching in the synagogues and forcing out demons.'"

The Lord Jesus did not go back to Capernaum, He went everywhere in Galilee. And, for months, He went from village to village, preaching and proving the truthfulness of His message by miracles He performed. He not only verified His identity, He proclaimed salvation through faith alone in His name.

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Mark 1:29-34

"29 As soon as they left the synagogue, they went with James and John to the home of Simon and Andrew. 30 Simon’s mother-in-law was in bed with a fever, and they immediately told Jesus about her. 31 So he went to her, took her hand and helped her up. The fever left her and she began to wait on them. 32 That evening after sunset the people brought to Jesus all the sick and demon-possessed. 33 The whole town gathered at the door, 34 and Jesus healed many who had various diseases. He also drove out many demons, but he would not let the demons speak because they knew who he was." ~ Mark 1:29-34

Today's passage includes is a true story that took place in the home of Simon Peter and Andrew. In the early afternoon, the two brothers invited the Lord Jesus and James and John home with them, only to find Peter's mother-in-law sick with a fever. This was not the first time the Lord Jesus had performed a miracle. According to Luke 4, He had done many miracles in Capernaum already. The people there knew the power of the Lord Jesus, and, this is why they sought Him out as they did.

In v.29-31 of today's passage we read, "29 As soon as they left the synagogue, they went with James and John to the home of Simon and Andrew. 30 Simon’s mother-in-law was in bed with a fever, and they immediately told Jesus about her. 31 So he went to her, took her hand and helped her up. The fever left her and she began to wait on them."

The Lord Jesus took Peter's mother-in-law by the hand and helped her off of the bed and the fever was gone. The healing of Peter's mother-in-law illustrates, yet again, the Lord Jesus has total sovereign control over the spiritual and physical worlds. The Lord Jesus 
rebuked the fever, and, there was no recovery time needed. He not only healed her from the fever, but also healed her of the weakness that accompanies fevers. The Lord Jesus made the command and the sickness immediately was gone. After the fever left Peter's mother-in-law, she went to serving others. 

This is the way ministry works. We are enabled to work with and help people in accordance with how the Lord has worked with us and helped us. If we have no story with Him, then we will not be used of Him in the lives of others. We will not have a story with Him that we can tell others. Therefore, we must embrace His heart as we go through the things of life, be they good or bad. It is not the experiences of life that enable us to serve others, it is through our increasing interactions and dependency and experiences with Him that we are equipped to do His work in this world.

In context, Mark records this story for us, so that we would see the compassion and power of the Lord Jesus who ministered to all according to His will. As is clear, His compassion and power was not reserved for only the big cases that day, His compassion and power was for all who were willing enough to avail themselves to Him. This is the key to it all, our willingness of heart for His will to be done in our lives. And this is what enables us to endure hardship, because we know that even the hardships have purpose.

After healing Simon Peter’s mother-in-law, the whole city came in search of the Lord Jesus. This was the secondary purpose of this healing, so that people would seek the Lord Jesus. This is the ultimate purpose of our lives, to point others to Him. This begins by being convinced that He is the answer, and then, we must be willing to let Him have His way in our lives.

In v. 32 of today's passage we read, "That evening after sunset the people brought to Jesus all the sick and demon-possessed."

After the Sabbath and after the sun set on that Saturday, the Lord Jesus ministered to the various needs of the people. Mark tells us in v.33 that the whole city gathered at their door bringing with them all who were sick and demon-possessed. During the Sabbath, t
he people were not allowed to travel, at least those who lived a considerable distance away, and wanted to get help from the Lord Jesus for their ailments. Once the sun set and the Sabbath was over, the next day had begun, and, the people were free to travel to the Lord Jesus.

You see, they could not travel on a Sabbath day according to their interpretation of the law. The rabbis had concluded no one could travel two thousand cubits. And, since a cubit was eighteen inches, they could only travel about a thousand yards. A heart that has along the way disengaged from the Lord will always default to religion. Even though the rabbis were suppose to represent the heart of God, they had long moved away from the position to access His heart, therefore they were harsh and their interpretation of the law was impossible.

I have discovered that my desire for comfort is the greatest danger to my heart being broken enough for God's heart to be expressed through mine. The Apostle Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 4:7, "We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure. This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves.”

In v.34 of today's passage we read, "and Jesus healed many who had various diseases. He also drove out many demons, but he would not let the demons speak because they knew who he was."

The power the Lord Jesus demonstrated over demons and disease underscored His authenticity, and, it buoyed His message of salvation through faith by grace. In Matthew's account of this healing we read, "This was to fulfill what was spoken through Isaiah the prophet." And, spoken through Isaiah the prophet were the words found in Isaiah 53:4 which reads, "He Himself took our infirmities and carried away our diseases."  

The next to the last phrase in v.34 of today's passage reads, "... he would not let the demons speak..." 

At this point in the ministry of the Lord Jesus, all the demons were silenced from speaking. The most dangerous form of religion is the religion that affirms Christ and teaches lies. These cast out demons are evidence of the power and authority of the Lord Jesus Christ. But, His power is only given to those who follow and obey His commands. 

As we learn this and bend our wills to His, we are given the ability to live in accordance with His will for our lives on a given day. This is why the Lord Jesus, as we will see in tomorrow's passage, went up into the mountains to pray. He did this so that He would have such intimacy with His Father, that there would be no hindrance to the influence of the Spirit of God through Him as He went about doing the Fathers' business.

Monday, May 16, 2022

Mark 1:25-28

25 Jesus commanded the evil spirit, “Be quiet! Come out of the man!” 26 The evil spirit shook the man violently, gave a loud cry, and then came out of him. 27 The people were so amazed they asked each other, “What is happening here? This man is teaching something new, and with authority. He even gives commands to evil spirits, and they obey him.” 28 And the news about Jesus spread quickly everywhere in the area of Galilee. ~ Mark 1:25-28

Today, we return to our study of Mark 1. The events of this particular Saturday began as the Lord Jesus and His disciples went into the synagogue in Capernaum. While teaching there, a demon possessed man interrupting the Lord Jesus. This was the first recorded miracle by the Lord Jesus in this gospel account, and, it set the stage for the purpose for which He came: to free us all from the bondage of Satan. Four of Christ's thirty-three miracles involved the casting out of demons.   

In v.25-26 of today's passage we read, "25 Jesus commanded the evil spirit, “Be quiet! Come out of the man!” 26 The evil spirit shook the man violently, gave a loud cry, and then came out of him."

The teaching of the Lord Jesus was so piercing that the demon was tortured by the truth which turned the demon-possessed man to the Lord Jesus. This is the purpose of truth, to turn us away from evil and error and to turn us to the Lord. As C.S.Lewis reminded us, "We never know how much we really believe anything until its truth or falsehood becomes a matter of life and death to us."  

When this demon was confronted by the Lord Jesus, he was forced to leave this man. Even though the evil spirit was reluctant to go, he left immediately. The only name demons have ever feared is the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is Jesus Christ who sets us free from the influence of the evil spirit world. As a result, within hours, the news about Jesus spread like a flame all through the area.

In v.27 of today's passage we read, "The people were so amazed they asked each other, 'What is happening here? This man is teaching something new, and with authority. He even gives commands to evil spirits, and they obey him.'"

From the very beginning of His ministry, the Lord Jesus was on a collision course with evil. In that day, the people believed that evil was closer to them than we do now. With his "highly educated mind," the modern man thinks it is folly to believe in the devil. In fact, many Americans are rejecting a belief in God and they definitely are not convinced of the unseen world of evil. But out of sight and out of mind does not render the devil as non-existent. 

Amazingly the people in the synagogue in Capernaum that day  referred to the Lord Jesus as "this man." But, the demon referred to the Lord Jesus as "the Holy One." These people were religious, yet their religion closed their eyes to the identity of the Lord Jesus. We have all known lots of religious people who do not know the Lord Jesus for themselves. This just underscores the utter necessity of being "born again" in order to know God. 

In John 3, the Lord Jesus told a religious man, "I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again." The phrase "born again" literally means "born from above." You see, when we were conceived in our mother's womb, we were by nature separated from God by our sinfulness. Therefore, being "born from above" is a necessity in order for us to know God. In our sinful condition, God required spiritual transformation. This is why He sent His Son. New birth or being born again, is an act of God whereby eternal life is imparted to us when we believe that the Lord Jesus is God come to earth to save us from our sin.

If you have never trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior, will you consider the prompting of the Holy Spirit as He speaks to your heart? You need to be born again. Will you pray the prayer of repentance and become a new creation in Christ today? 

In John 1:12-13 we read, "12 But to all who did accept him and believe in him he gave the right to become children of God. 13 They did not become his children in any human way—by any human parents or human desire. They were born of God." 

Let me encourage you, my friend, to talk to God about this, your sin and your need for Him to be your Savior, today. And, make sure that you invite Him to come into your life and to make you His child.

In v.28 of today's passage we read, "And the news about Jesus spread quickly everywhere in the area of Galilee."

Good news travels fast. Once we have invited the Lord Jesus to come into our lives, we can not help but to tell others about this new life that we now have. The gospel is not an idea or a belief. The gospel is not a "what" or a "how." The gospel is a "Who." The gospel is literally the good news about the One who came to rescue us from that which keeps us from real life. The Lord Jesus is the Gospel. This is why "the news about Jesus spread quickly everywhere in the area of Galilee," and this is why it is still spreading today, more than 2000 years later.