Thursday, August 10, 2023

Genesis 1:16-19

For the Genesis 1:16-19 PODCAST, Click Here!

16 Then God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. He made the stars also. 17 God set them in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth, 18 and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good. 19 So the evening and the morning were the fourth day. ~ Genesis 1:16-19

Today, we come back to day 4 of creation where God has created the heavens, the land, the sea and also the stars. And now, as we will see in day 4 on the very first Wednesday, He will create the sun and the moon. In all of this we are yet again reminded of God's vastness. The vastness of the universes underscores His greatness and His sovereignty. This, once again, highlights the fact that we can trust Him with our very lives, totally.

In v.16 of today's passage we read, "Then God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. He made the stars also."

These two great lights are obviously the sun and the moon. God created these bearers of light and gave to them their tasks; it is the job of the sun to bring the light during the day. And, it is the task of the moon to deliver reflective light to the earth during the night. It is the moon that determines the month in the course of its movement through its somewhat odd orbit. The moon also generates the seasons, as does the sun. Because the earth is tilted on its axis, it causes the sun to be at varying distances from its surface at different points on the globe at different times of the year. This produces the seasons which are critical for the rejuvenation of life and the growing of crops and the flourishing of the earth. God designed the sun and the moon to function in determining seasons. God also designed the sun and the moon to serve in the matter of days. Right now, our 24 hour day is determined everyday by the cycle of both the sun and the moon from sunset to sunset. 

God determined that the earth would orbit around the sun and the orbit of the moon around the earth. A day then is determined by the earth’s rotation around its axis, and one 24-hour period is the time of the earth’s rotation. God determined that; it is impossible for that to be the product of time plus chance plus nothing. The sun also determines our years. God did this by establishing the fact that it would take one full year for the rotating earth, each rotation meaning a day to continue its orbit all the way around the sun. That’s a 365 day time period. So God created the sun and it rules in the sense that it dominates life on the earth.

The sun is the agency by which our time in light and dark is determined. The sun is the agency, along with the moon by which seasons are determined. The sun is the agency by which the calendar year is determined. Whereas, it is the rotation of the earth on its axis that determines the 24-hour day, specifically, it is the rotation of the moon’s orbit around the earth that determines the month. And it is the earth’s rotation around the sun that determines the year. This is why God said that the sun would rule the day and the moon the night.

In v.17-18 of today's passage we read, "17 God set them in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth, 18 and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good."

The word "rule" used here in this verse packs a punch. For example, the moon helps to create the daily rise and fall of water along our shorelines. Tides are caused by gravity. The closer two things are, the stronger the force of gravity between them, and the faster they accelerate toward one another. If the earth were sitting still in space, which it is not, due to gravity, it would immediately begin to fall toward the sun. But gravitational attraction depends on distance. Thus, the near side of the earth would be attracted to the sun more strongly than the far side. But the earth is solid. Even if one side wanted to accelerate toward the sun faster than the other, the whole mass would move as one and the earth would not stretch into an egg shape.

The oceans, however, are not solid. They are free to react to the sun’s gravitational pull. The ocean on the near side of the sun would literally fall toward the sun faster than the earth and the ocean on the far side would literally fall more slowly than the earth. It blows my mind to think of the sun suspended in mid air out there 93 million miles away. And the moon, faithfully companions the earth. The moon is just the right size and just the right distance to produce tides that gently flush our coastlands. If the tides were much stronger, the earth would experience twice-daily tsunamis that would rip apart and destroy any living thing even within great distances from the shore. If the tides were much smaller, bays and estuaries would be stagnant and inhospitable to life. The earth-moon system is unique in our solar system. It defies the possibility that it has arisen by chance. Thus, the presence of tides points to intelligent design, by a loving God, who gave us a wonderful place to live. All of God's creation was placed in the heavens and on the earth by an infinitely intelligent and loving Creator. And, He saw that it was good, because it all benefitted us.

In v.19 of today's passage we read, "So the evening and the morning were the fourth day."

Here we have the completion of the fourth day of creation. Genesis frames God's creation of all things using a poetic structure which follows a strict and consistent pattern, where God speaks, creates, observes, and blesses His work. This verse closes out the description of the fourth creative day, referencing the concept of "evening and morning" once again. God's creation of the sun, moon, and stars counters any belief that these are deities themselves. Many cultures, including ancient Egypt, worshipped the sun and moon as gods. Other religions, and modern astrology, believe that the position of these objects determines a person's fate. By making it clear that these are just pieces of God's creation, the book of Genesis dispels any claims that there is supernatural power in the heavenly bodies. Truly, the God of the Bible is the One true God and I trust you are in a personal relationship with Him.

If you are not in a personal relationship with God, let me encourage you to have a conversation with Him. Tell God that you agree with Him that you are a sinner who is in need of His help. Invite Him into your life. Trust His Son's sacrifice on the cross for the payment for your sin which separated you from Him. And, as the Scriptures say, "You shall be saved."