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Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion. ~ Philippians 2:1
As we transition into Philippians 2, we discover in v.1 four first class conditional statements that each begin with the word “if.” Since these are first class conditional sentences, the better translation is "since." The Apostle is really saying, “If these things are true (and they are!), then make my joy complete.”
Now, these four truths for the believer in Christ are very important because they counteract the prisons that we all have. These four enable us to realize the joy of the Lord in a practical way, rendering freedom from our prisons.
These four truths are: "encouragement from being united with Christ, comfort from his love, common sharing in the Spirit, tenderness and compassion." These are the results of coming into a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus. These four things are the definers of the believer in Christ. Like a solar system circling a sun, the community believers should be drawn together by one single thing at our center, the Lord Jesus Himself.
Notice that the Apostle Paul doesn’t say, "find people that are similar to you." He doesn’t say, "figure out the most important issues and agree on them." He doesn’t say, "create some kind of cultural or theological or political boundary and only experience unity within that." No, believers in Christ come together because we share in the same Savior who brings us to Himself where His joy is authentically experienced as we give ourselves to Him and gives Himself to us.
In v.1 the Apostle writes, "since you have encouragement from being united with Christ." This word “encouragement,” means “to come alongside someone and help them.” So, first, since we are in Christ and we have experienced His help, we should come alongside others in order to help them. In this way, we are defined by Christ.
Second, "since we have comfort from Christ's love," we should comfort one another. The word here for “comfort” carries with it the idea of “tender counsel.” This is a friendship word. Since we have been constantly encouraged in our relationship with Christ; because we have experienced His “tender counsel,” speaking words of friendship , we should reciprocate this to other believers.
The third result of being in Christ is this "common sharing in the Spirit." The Apostle uses the Greek word koinonia which means partnership, communion, sharing to help us understand and experience the life of God further. Because we have experienced the ministry of the Holy Spirit, we should minister to one another.
The first two results of coming into a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus are directly from the Lord Jesus. Whereas the second two come from the Holy Spirit. And it is the Holy Spirit who is the source of believer's unity. We will be unified with one another as we are defined by the Holy Spirit who teaches us the meaning of what it means to be defined by these four results of coming into a personal relationship with Christ.
The fourth result is "the tenderness and compassion we have received from the Holy Spirit. He plunges us deeper into His ministry to us. The word used here for tenderness in the Greek is, splanchna, which means “gut, viscera, or bowels.” It has to do with affection. Love is sort of a cognitive thing, whereas affection is a feeling. Tenderness is a longing. It's more than a cognitive appreciation; it's a longing. The Apostle is saying, “you have received the longings of the Spirit,” deeply felt affections. The bowels were seen by the Jews as the seat of emotions. It's where one felt things. Believers have received the longings of the Spirit. What He longs for, He gives to us. What He longs for, if we let it, will define us.
Then, there's the word “compassion.” It's used four times by Paul. Two of those times it's translated “the tender mercies of God.” We've received the longings of the Spirit, and the tender, compassionate sympathy of God through the Spirit. God has been sympathetic to us. God gives us way more than we deserve. He has poured out to us grace upon grace, and mercy upon mercy. He has a heart of pity and tenderness toward us.
Finally, if we do not experience a personal relationship with God, these four truths will not define us. And, as a result, we will be inauthentic in our relationships with others, be they believers or not. This is do to the fact that we will be motivated to do those things that we are commanded by the Lord from the wrong posture. We will be seen as inauthentic due to our insecurities. You see, these four things fill us up to the point of not needing anything from anyone one else. When we are not experiencing Him, we will insecurely look to others to meet our deepest needs. Something that they can not do. This is something that only He can do. And, when we are drawing upon Him for these needs, we will grow in security and authenticity.
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