Monday, September 09, 2019

John 3:4-7

4 “How can someone be born when they are old?” Nicodemus asked. “Surely they cannot enter a second time into their mother’s womb to be born!” 5 Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit. 6 Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit. 7 You should not be surprised at my saying, ‘You must be born again.’ ~ John 3:4-7

Nicodemus seeks by asking the Lord Jesus a question. In Ecclesiastes we read, “God has placed eternity in our hearts.” This explains why we either turn to God or blame Him when the tragic pays a visit to our souls. Some apologize for questioning God. There is no need to apologize because God knows that questions are far more important than the answers. 

Questioning is the art of learning and relating. Learning to ask the right questions is the best activity for advancing understanding and relationship. Questioning far surpassing the temporary endorphins of a correct answer.

In v.4, Nicodemus asks, "How can someone be born when they are old?The response of the Lord Jesus in v.5 shows clearly, there is a difference between natural and spiritual birth. And spiritual birth is essential for a relationship with God.

After Adam and Eve rejected God's definition of things in the Garden of Eden, sin made mankind dead to God. Our ability to be connected to God and thus receive His definition of things was tarnished. This is part of the reason why the Lord Jesus highlights the difference between physical birth, "born of water," and spiritual birth, "born of the Spirit." The reference of being "born of water" is a reference to the breaking of the mother's water when a baby is born.

According to v.6, when we are "born of the Spirit,"  we are made alive to God and His culture. In Ephesian 2:1, we read, "God made us alive who were dead in trespasses and sins."  Only God can make us alive to Him by imparting His Spirit to awaken our dead spirits. That is what Jesus is telling Nicodemus in our text. Apart from God, we are spiritually dead in our selfishness and rebellion. And, as a result, we are by nature children of wrath (Ephesians 2:3). 

That night, Nicodemus was motivated by the intrigue the Lord Jesus presented to him. There was no spiritual life in Nicodemus. Spiritually, he was not alive to God. He needed life, not more religious activities or more religious determination. The Lord Jesus is saying, real life happens at new birth. This is not religious activity or discipline or decision, this is being reunited with the One who created us through His Spirit.

The new birth is supernatural, not natural. It cannot be explained by things that are already found in this world. The Spirit of God is the One who brings about the new birth. In John 6:63, we read, “It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh is no help at all.”

The life that the Spirit gives is done in connection with the Lord Jesus. Union with the Lord Jesus is where we experience this supernatural life. In John 14:6, we read, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." The role we play in being "born again" is we place our faith in the Lord Jesus and we, by faith, follow Him on a daily basis. Following Him includes practicing His presence (talking and listening to Him), following His leading that He gives us through His word and His indwelling Spirit, and being defined by Him. Our spiritual life and faith in Him come into being together, simultaneously. 

The Christian life is not that we have been born again and then put in the position to get life right a second time. The Christian life is not about getting better. The Christian life is learning to give in to this new life that has apprehended us. It is not that we have learned to be more disciplined or determined. No, it is a new relationship, it is being made alive to God. This relationship that is now a reality to us, enables us to listen for and to Him. This new life is about learning to communicate honestly and authentically to and with Him. As a result, we are learning His way of thinking and living. And, we are experiencing the life of God in, to and through us. 

Finally, we even fail in our attempts to walk with Him. And, God uses all of these bumps and bruises that we experience that doubt brings and faith answers to develop us in relating to and with Him. We do this for the purity of our faith, our heart's ability to see and know God. And, another great benefit of our struggling and clarifying faith is we are able to clearly and meaningfully tell others about what it means to be born again, to have a personal relationship with God.

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