Wednesday, August 07, 2019

John 1:1

Click here for the John 1:1 Podcast

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. ~ John 1:1

The Gospel of John is a running movie of the life and saving work of the Lord Jesus Christ. It focuses on the last three years of His life, emphasizing His death, burial, and resurrection. According to John 20:30–31, the gospel of John is written to help us believe on Christ and experience the kind of life that has the touch of eternity on it, the life He died to give us, a personal relationship with God.

This description of Jesus Christ was written by the Apostle John who was an eyewitness to all that is recorded. Five times in this Gospel we read of “the disciple whom Jesus loved” (John 13:23; 19:26; 20:2, 7; 21:20). At the end it says in John 21:20, “Peter turned and saw the disciple whom Jesus loved following them.”  Then four verses later (John 21:24), it says, “This is the disciple who is bearing witness about these things and who has written these things.” 

So the one called “the disciple whom Jesus loved” who was there leaning on his chest at the Last Supper (John 13:23) wrote this account of Jesus' life here on earth. He was there at the foot of the cross while the other ten disciples ran away because he was more defined by Jesus' love for him than he was by his love for Jesus.

John begins his gospel with an eighteen verse introduction, wherein he is attempting to answer such questions as: "Who is Jesus? Where did he come from? Why did He come to earth?" The first eighteen verses focuses on the fact that Christianity is not a philosophy; it is about a personal relationship with a Person. And, that person is the God-man, Jesus Christ.

Jesus is easily the most shattering, the most radical character that has ever appeared in history. More books have been written about Him than any other, ever. More music has been composed, more pictures have been painted, more drama has been written about Jesus than any other person, ever.

Have you ever wondered why? Why is it that we have never been able to forget Jesus of Nazareth? Why does he not fade into the dim past as others have? 

We do not spend that much time on other great leaders. We still know who they are but we do not spend all that focus of interest and attention on them. Why is Jesus Christ the most powerful personality ever to appear on this planet? This is what John is answering for us in this prologue to his gospel: Who is Jesus? 

I like the rendering of John 1:1 in the Voice which reads ... "Before time itself was measured, the Voice was speaking. The Voice was and is God."

There are those who say Jesus had a beginning according to this verse. This is a wrong reading of this verse. It is not that He had a beginning, no, He was there in the beginning. Time had a beginning because He gave it its beginning.

The voice is Jesus Christ. And, in these twenty one chapters of John's gospel, he tells us the story of what Jesus Christ did and what he taught. It took John more than three years to figure out the fullness of who Jesus was. John wants us to know and believe in this incredible God-man who is mankind's Savior. 

“In the beginning was the Word.” 

The "Word" here is the Greek word, logos, which means the same as our word, WORD. A word is an audible or a visual expression of a thought. Thoughts are incommunicable until they are put into words. Nobody knows what God thinks until He tells us. This is part of the reason the Lord Jesus came to this earth, to tell us the mind of God. The Lord Jesus is the Word because His words are the truth of God. 

To the Greeks, the logos was the ordering principle, the first cause. To them, the logos is the reason there is design in the world. Design, this is what God brings into the life of not only the world but also of the believer. And, with this design comes purpose. Even in the greatest of chaos, God has been known to bring forth the greatest purpose. We will never see this design and purpose if we do not come to the place where we trust Him and His design because there are times that the design appears to be a jumbled mess, kind of like the jumbled mess behind an incredible pattern found in crochet. Look, listen and learn as He performs His wonders in your life today through His patterns and designs and purposes.