Tuesday, July 09, 2019

Ephesians 5:15-17

Ephesians 5:15-17 Podcast

15 So be careful how you live; be mindful of your steps. Don’t run around like idiots as the rest of the world does. Instead, walk as the wise! 16 Make the most of every living and breathing moment because these are evil times. 17 So understand and be confident in God’s will, and don’t live thoughtlessly. (Ephesians 5:15-17 the Voice)

In our text today, the apostle is describing how the believer in Christ should live by using the metaphor of walking. We should walk with observant understanding. We are to be aware of the ways of the world and how God addresses it. Since the days are evil, we must make the most of the opportunities which we have to influence others regarding eternity. 

The word for "make the most" in v.16 can also be translated "redeemingmeaning "to buy up." As we look for bargains at the store, we should look for bargaining opportunities that will effect the souls of people because we know these opportunities will not last long; they are passing us by. Therefore, make the most of them and buy them up. 

Years ago, God arrested my attention when I heard Billy Graham say, "there are two things in this world which will last forever, the word of God and the souls of people." He also said, "most people are converted to Christ before they are eighteen years of age." This has largely motivated me in my thirty-seven years of ministry. 
We clearly live in evil times. Most, consider evil times as an obstacle, but not the Lord. He sees them as opportunities. We must have God's transcendent view of this world and eternity, making the most of the opportunities because the evil around us is really making the opportunity possible. If we did not go through trials, how could we show the lost people of this world that God is sufficient for every trial? The evil times create these opportunities. 
Trials come into our lives in order to advance what is most important, getting people into the word of God. When this happens, people will be informed by God's definition of things. Therefore, we must look at trials for what they are, opportunities to demonstrate what it is to be a Christian. Therefore, we must not walk according to the flesh or the evil default mode which we find inside of us. We must walk with the framing understanding that God's word brings to our existence, offering solutions to life's problems, rendering a life that is transcendent with the touch of eternity upon it.
The Apostle emphasizes in v.15, we are to not walk or live as idiots, but we are to be wise. When we live by God's definitions, we will be gracious and loving to those whom we work with in the midst of demanding circumstances. The Bible refers to this as being controlled by the Holy Spirit. We will talk more about that tomorrow.

We are to live biblically informed lives.  As Christians, we know the truth, the truth as it is in the Bible, the basic, fundamental reality of life. We are to walk in that way. Of course, in order for us to live according to His definition of things, we must be in His word daily, allowing Him to teach us. It also helps to be in a Bible believing church where the word of God is considered and taught thoughtfully every week.

Finally, let me conclude with a true story. Many months ago, Debbie and I had a couple come to us who were talking divorce. They had a young son, and they were not happy together. As they discovered, they were not happy because they were not living according to God's descriptions of life. We met with this couple for months, and as time went on, we saw a transformation take place. They started reading the word for themselves, they started attending a Bible-believing church. But, the biggest thing that happened was this: they started praying for and with one another. I have never been more encouraged in ministry that I was when I saw God turn this couple around. I am truly grateful for this young couple for they demonstrated the power of God's definition of marriage and family. They are not perfect, they will tell you that. But, they have learned, when they do it God's way, they experience the eternal type of life that Jesus died to give us.

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