Thursday, February 28, 2019

2 Peter 1:9-11

2 Peter 1:9-11 Podcast

9 But whoever does not have them is nearsighted and blind, forgetting that they have been cleansed from their past sins. 10 Therefore, my brothers and sisters, make every effort to confirm your calling and election. For if you do these things, you will never stumble, 11 and you will receive a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. (2 Peter 1:9-11)

Near sighted people have to work hard to see things, trying to figure out what is before them, but they can not see it. In 2 Peter 1:9, Peter refers metaphorically to the darkened spiritual understanding of some because they do not see what God is doing. This happens to us when we lose sight of God in the midst of our trials and become consumed by them. This is when we are defined by our emotions, and we have lost sight of trusting God's promises and trusting Him with our hearts. 

Peter says when we do this, we have forgetting that we have been cleansed from our past sins. The structure of the sentence suggests there is almost a deliberate forgetting. We would rather believe the lie than believe God's promises. 

God sent His Son to pay the penalty for our sins and offer us forgiveness based on His sacrificial death for us. He then rose from the dead to give us hope of the life Jesus died to give us now. In addition, God wants to show us that His power will free us from the fears that have long shackled us. We do not have to be slaves any longer to sin, we are now slaves of righteousness.

When we have forgotten the necessity of trusting God at His word and following His definition of things, the result is blindness and lack of the vision that faith in the God of the Bible brings. 

In v.10, Peter uses the word confirm. In the Greek this is the word "bebaianwhich means to be firm, steadfast, sure, well-grounded, and unwavering, and in this verse it means to be steadfast concerning God’s calling on one's life. When God's teachings give definition to our lives, His type of life and plan become a spiritual reality. As a result, we will have great motivation to live out of His kingdom right now, even though it may look bleak at the moment.

I experienced this over the past month and a half. As you know, we went through a great trial. On the heals of that trial, a relatively small trial came as I got sick for a week. Then on the heels of that trial, I discovered that my monthly support was severely low. I began to worry, my biggest sin. Based upon my 37 years of learning the ways of God, I knew that He was up to something, I just couldn't see it and I was tired. I grumbled, but heard God say, "pray, son!" No sooner had I begun to pray, God started providing. I can't tell you all of the details, as other people are involved, but I just asked the Lord to lay it on His people's hearts. And guess what, He is doing just that. If you are one of the ones whom He has touched in this way, thank you for helping me do this ministry.

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